The Flying Artist’s Room “lands” at documenta fifteen for CAMP notes on education

For one hundred days from 15 June 2022, the Flying Artist’s Room will be a guest at the international art exhibition documenta fifteen. As part of the CAMP notes on education mediation platform created by theEducation and Mediation department, the mobile studio will be a “CAMP workspace” for the Arts Educators in Residence programme at the Hafenstraße 76 exhibition venue in Kassel.

Since the 2018/2019 school year, the Flying Artist’s Room has been deployed by the Crespo Foundation in schools in rural parts of Hesse in cooperation with the Hessian Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs (HKM) and the Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts (HMWK). To date three Flying Artist’s Rooms have been out and about, but now six Flying Artist’s Rooms will be “landing” on school playgrounds in rural areas during the 2022/2023 school year. In summer 2022, the concept is also being expanded by a new approach to work in towns and cities: as a Flying Artist’s Room in an urban setting, another mobile studio will be vising the Frankfurt district of Preungesheim, allowing children and young people from Preungesheim in particular to participate directly in art and cultural education.

Entirely in keeping with its tradition as an open space of possibility for art-inspired educational processes, the Flying Artist’s Room is now offering its architecture to another residency programme as a space of possibility and as a work tool.

Arts Educators in Residence programme

One of the many manifestations of CAMP notes on education will evolve in the Arts Educators in Residence programme, which brings together cultural and art mediators, teachers, cultural workers, community facilitators and artists from different international contexts to reimagine and co-create alternative, regenerative methods at the interfaces of art, theory and education. Over the course of 100 days, participants will work in groups, each launching a “CAMP workspace” for a month, reflecting collaboratively on their practice and trying out different forms of mediation during documenta fifteen. The residency programme is funded by the Crespo Foundation.

The goal of the Arts Educators in Residence programme is to create a space of mediation for a variety of perspectives and autonomous, non-institutional, embodied forms of collective learning spanning the generations and help shape processes in civil society in the domain of the arts and education.

Interview with Susanne Hesse, manager of documenta fifteen’s Education department 

Preview days

During the preview days at documenta fifteen, the former “flying artist” Janina Warnk and the artist and performer Niklas Strang will be devising a “flying handover” to documenta. The Flying Artist’s Room will then become the “CAMP workspace” for 100 days.

© Norbert Miguletz